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Why Seek Synthetic Marijuana Addiction Treatment?

In recent years there has been a disturbing trend in substance abuse. This is the emergence of an ever-changing group of chemical compounds known as synthetic marijuana. While these chemicals may simulate the effects of marijuana, they are much more addictive. So, why seek treatment for synthetic marijuana addiction?

False Advertising

The first reason to seek synthetic marijuana addiction treatment is that you were mislead. Numerous, frequently changing companies produce chemical compounds and market them as “safe” and legal ways to get high. However, these chemicals are instead toxic and highly addictive. This results in an addiction that requires treatment.

Marijuana addiction treatment

Physical Effects

The fact that the chemicals used in synthetic marijuana are unregulated and highly toxic results in a number of physical effects as result of poisoning. These can include:

  • Severe vomiting
  • Headaches
  • Diarrhea
  • Brain damage
  • Heart problems and high blood pressure
  • Stroke
  • Damage to liver and kidneys

These physical effects are all possible when addicted to synthetic marijuana, because of the fact that there is no way to be certain just exactly what you are putting in your body. Getting treatment lessens these effects.

Psychological Effects

Synthetic marijuana is also known to produce a number of psychological effects. While euphoria, mood elevation, and relaxation are desired effects, psychosis is not. Some symptoms of this are:

  • Extreme paranoia
  • Hallucinations and delusions
  • Severe anxiety
  • Suicidal thoughts or actions

These symptoms make the psychosis that may arise from synthetic marijuana addiction very serious, and highlight the need for treatment.


According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, people that use synthetic marijuana on a regular basis and try to quit exhibit several withdrawal symptoms. These are:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Headaches

Marijuana addiction treatment

These withdrawal symptoms make quitting your synthetic marijuana use very difficult, particularly when you know that they will go away if you get high again.

Getting professional substance abuse treatment is the best way to overcome any drug addiction, including one to synthetic marijuana. It is possible to eliminate all of the negative effects that you are suffering when you use these dangerous chemicals. Get help today and get your life back.

Who Can Use Marijuana Addiction Treatment?

Although the answer to this question might seem simple, you have to look into what marijuana addiction is to understand who can benefit from the treatment. Many people who use marijuana, like alcohol, may do so safely. Unfortunately, also like alcohol, there are those that become hopelessly addicted to it.

What is Marijuana Addiction

Marijuana addiction is a complex disease that combines a variety of factors. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, around 4.3 million of the 14.6 million people who use marijuana abuse it. This means that around one third of the people who use marijuana become abuse or become addicted to it.

Many of those are long term, frequent, and heavy users. Anyone can become addicted to marijuana and need addiction treatment. Addiction consists of the inability to stop using marijuana despite the negative consequences associated with it.

Why Use Marijuana Addiction Treatment?

Marijuana is psychologically addictive. Scientists agree that it is much harder to break a psychological addiction than it is a physical one. The physical addiction goes away in a week or two but the psychological dependence can cause long lasting problems.

Who is a Good Candidate for Marijuana Addiction Treatment?

People who are good candidates for marijuana addiction treatment- addictions are those who:

  • Feel their addiction is out of control
  • Continue to use despite the negative consequences of using
  • Those hospitalized because of their marijuana use
  • Heavy users
  • Users that cannot stop on their own despite having tried in the past
  • Those that have developed a habit they cannot afford yet do not stop
  • Those that resort to illegal means to support their marijuana habit

These circumstances can occur together or alone. Many people do not realize they need treatment until they try to quit by themselves and fail. If you find it difficult to stop using marijuana or find that you cannot quit despite the negative things happening, you need marijuana treatment.